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The Inez Clemmer Library
@ Ocoee Middle School

For Librarians
Our New Potential
Students and Teachers now have the access to our OPACs 24/7 and from on campus and off!
Introducing: Destiny Widgets!
Apps are now more relevant to our libraries than ever!

What is a widget?
- an application, or a component of an interface, that enables a user to perform a function or access a service.
How to search for and checkout eBooks
How to search for and checkout eBooks
The Follett Destiny app gives access to circulation functions such as:
- Checkin and Checkout of resources
- View of patron account summary
- Monitor copy or item status
- Enter or scan a copy, item and patron barcodes. *Scan functionality only available with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPad (3rd generation)

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